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Important Ruling on Deposits for Ontario Landlords

A recent decision by the Ontario Superior Court in Covers v. Bumbia has significant implications for Ontario landlords when it comes to renting out apartments and condos. A little history ... it is illegal

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Step-by-step Roadmap to Retiring Rich

Looking to retire rich?  You need a plan.  

In this month's Canadian Realth Estate Wealth magazine I provide a roadmap to help you achieve a comfortable retirement.

If you have a little capital to work with and are willing to put forth some effort, a million dollar retirement package is well within reach.

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Condos ... Do They Cashflow? 

It seems like everyone is talking real estate these days. One of the most common conversations revolves around what type of real estate one should be investing in. Condos are at the top of the list as they are abundant, easy to manage and always in the news. The question is are they a sound investment and do they cash flow?

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The Secrets to Joint Venture Success

In the latest issue of Canadian Realth Estate Wealth magazine I answer 10 Questions on Joint Venture investing.  For those of you who have always wanted to invest in real estate, but don't know where to start, a Joint Venture might be exactly what you need to kickstart your investment portfolio.

#1. Why are more investors looking at Joint Ventures for their property deals?

A. The premise is a relatively simple one.  Two or more parties ...

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How to become a Millionaire ... Even if you're starting late

In this month's Canadian Realth Estate Wealth magazine I answer a hypothetical scenario regarding a 50-something couple that is looking to pad their retirement nest egg.

With retirement fast approaching, the 50's investor is looking to have as much money acquired as possible.  While it may seem like a steep climb, the $1 million plateau is reachable, writes Paul Kondakos

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