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Turning 40 and Loving Life ... and real estate

It is August 16th today which apart from being the anniverssary of Elivs' death and Madonna's birthday, means that I am now officially 40 years old.  When you're 19, turning 25 or 30 is a lifetime away, never mind turning 40.  As I write this I still find it incredible that I have now been on this earth for 40 years.  Alot has happened in those 40 years, some of which would make for a great movie, but most of it has been GREAT. 

Milestones such as this one tend to evoke introspection of one's life and I'm thankful for many things which include a loving and devoted wife, 3 beautiful children, my health and my friends.  Real estate has also played a big role in my life.  The saying goes "find something that you love to do and you'll never work another day in your life."  Many times my friends will poke fun at me about either not working or being retired.  While neither is the case, real estate gives people that perception because it is something I love to do.  Real estate has not only provided for my family,  it has provided a great occupation, and I've been involved in other industries and companies that I've disliked so I know the difference.

The one negative of turning 40 is that time works against you in real estate investing.  The longer you wait to get involved in real estate the less potential benefit you will reap with respect to appreciation and mortgage paydown.  Although time works against us, it's never too late to get started with real estate investing if you are serious about it and not just day dreaming about it.  Don't wait for anymore birthdays to pass before you decide to take the plunge in real estate investing.

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Reader Comments (2)

my health and my friends. Real estate has also played a big role in my life. The saying goes "find something that you love to do and you'll never work another day in your life.

June 18, 2014 | Unregistered Commentericon brickell rental

This article gives the light in which we can observe the reality. This is very nice one and gives in depth information.

June 24, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterJonas Smith

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